Baseline Test 7 Statistics - Tables

How difficult are the questions?

  • The number in each cell is the percentage of the group that got this question wrong.
  • A high number indicates a difficult question, a low number an easy question.
  • Question Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
    Boys Girls All Boys Girls All Boys Girls All Boys Girls All Boys Girls All
    1 21 25 23 16 22 19 11 21 16 19 29 24 25 19 22
    2 20 18 19 19 16 18 11 18 15 27 28 28 25 17 21
    3 15 10 13 11 8 10 13 18 16 12 22 17 27 16 22
    4 20 17 19 17 13 15 21 24 23 24 33 29 30 26 28
    5 84 83 84 86 85 86 91 79 85 82 89 86 80 81 81
    6 30 29 30 30 29 30 16 24 20 31 44 38 41 19 30
    7 23 21 22 24 19 22 16 15 16 39 33 36 42 41 42
    8 55 54 55 52 50 51 43 35 39 51 61 56 53 43 48
    9 65 64 65 68 71 70 68 65 67 61 72 67 73 64 69
    10 50 41 46 47 45 46 45 44 45 45 61 53 59 47 53
    11 62 65 64 63 72 68 62 65 64 65 72 69 67 73 70
    12 82 83 83 83 84 84 80 91 86 90 94 92 84 91 88
    13 63 62 63 60 63 62 48 50 49 65 72 69 63 74 69
    14 75 80 78 73 74 74 63 82 73 76 94 85 84 79 82
    15 53 48 51 53 47 50 45 38 42 55 33 44 53 53 53
    16 34 32 33 30 29 30 25 12 19 39 50 45 43 50 47
    17 75 75 75 77 74 76 59 59 59 84 78 81 89 76 83
    18 29 27 28 27 27 27 24 15 20 45 56 51 41 47 44
    19 65 63 64 61 61 61 60 53 57 55 78 67 68 61 65
    20 75 80 78 73 78 76 66 85 76 65 78 72 70 84 77
    21 92 94 93 90 93 92 83 76 80 90 78 84 86 89 88
    22 70 63 67 67 66 67 55 35 45 63 78 71 78 69 74
    23 38 39 39 35 35 35 20 24 22 43 28 36 61 60 61
    24 27 21 24 26 19 23 30 12 21 41 39 40 36 37 37
    25 60 55 58 58 49 54 48 41 45 55 67 61 66 74 70
    26 29 27 28 25 23 24 21 18 20 37 56 47 47 46 47
    27 67 68 68 66 70 68 59 65 62 76 89 83 73 67 70
    28 36 29 33 31 26 29 24 12 18 47 44 46 51 59 55
    29 64 68 66 65 63 64 54 71 63 61 72 67 74 73 74
    30 20 14 17 22 12 17 13 18 16 33 33 33 31 30 31
    31 45 39 42 42 35 39 32 38 35 57 50 54 66 56 61
    32 23 18 21 23 22 23 14 24 19 53 44 49 32 43 38
    33 70 74 72 69 71 70 45 56 51 65 83 74 81 83 82
    34 27 36 32 25 41 33 16 38 27 39 44 42 36 23 30
    35 45 36 41 42 38 40 41 38 40 45 50 48 64 51 58
    36 54 52 53 53 52 53 32 35 34 55 44 50 65 67 66
    37 82 81 82 83 80 82 82 91 87 76 83 80 81 71 76
    38 71 73 72 77 77 77 61 50 56 65 89 77 81 81 81
    39 92 91 92 94 90 92 93 100 97 96 100 98 94 94 94
    40 57 54 56 56 48 52 36 35 36 63 67 65 80 76 78
    41 50 41 46 46 37 42 40 32 36 49 28 39 59 63 61
    42 70 71 71 71 71 71 67 62 65 80 83 82 83 66 75
    43 56 53 55 49 51 50 40 44 42 49 83 66 72 66 69
    44 79 78 79 76 78 77 80 82 81 88 83 86 82 84 83
    45 82 84 83 81 85 83 87 79 83 90 83 87 81 73 77
    46 89 85 87 89 87 88 87 85 86 90 94 92 91 89 90
    47 73 73 73 75 77 76 59 53 56 76 100 88 83 80 82
    48 41 38 40 36 33 35 19 24 22 45 39 42 53 64 59
    49 66 63 65 61 61 61 53 47 50 65 67 66 75 81 78
    50 56 49 53 54 49 52 50 47 49 63 50 57 63 70 67

    Popular wrong answers.

  • This table identifies the wrong answer with the most selections for each question for each group.
  • Question Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
    Boys Girls All Boys Girls All Boys Girls All Boys Girls All Boys Girls All

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle

    a) circle


    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube

    a) square and cube


    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    c) making an appointment with an unknown person you met on the internet

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend

    a) sharing your login and password with a friend


    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    b) logging in on your school computer account

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    b) logging in on your school computer account

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software

    d) a pop-up message asking you to update Adobe Reader software


    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    b) algol and basic

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    c) fortran and java

    d) basic and cobol

    c) fortran and java


    c) matriculation

    c) matriculation

    c) matriculation

    b) test

    c) matriculation

    b) test

    c) matriculation

    b) test

    c) matriculation

    b) test

    b) test

    b) test

    b) test

    c) matriculation

    b) test


    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    a) easy to learn

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    c) something that only works on modern computers

    b) available in my country

    c) something that only works on modern computers


    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail

    a) a PDF file in your mail


    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    d) print the even numbers between 170 and 220

    d) print the even numbers between 170 and 220

    d) print the even numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220

    b) print all the numbers between 170 and 220


    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    c) a computer can beat you in a game of chess

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program

    b) a computer can write its own sub program


    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    d) a logarithm

    b) an alphanumeric

    b) an alphanumeric

    d) a logarithm

    b) an alphanumeric


    c) 43

    c) 43

    c) 43

    c) 43

    c) 43

    c) 43

    c) 43

    c) 43

    c) 43

    c) 43

    b) 50

    c) 43

    b) 50

    b) 50

    b) 50


    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg

    b) .jpg


    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    c) using Wetransfer/Dropbox

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces

    b) cut the file into pieces


    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    d) spell checking software

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines

    c) search engines


    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    b) to see how old your computer is to make an offer for a new one

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    d) to make it easier to switch to pause

    b) to see how old your computer is to make an offer for a new one

    b) to see how old your computer is to make an offer for a new one


    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    b) source code is difficult to understand

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s

    a) it is easier to detect errors in all 1’s and 0’s


    a) one

    a) one

    a) one

    a) one

    a) one

    a) one

    a) one

    a) one

    a) one

    c) three

    c) three

    c) three

    c) three

    c) three

    c) three


    a) RAW file

    d) TIFF file

    d) TIFF file

    d) TIFF file

    d) TIFF file

    d) TIFF file

    d) TIFF file

    d) TIFF file

    d) TIFF file

    a) RAW file

    a) RAW file

    a) RAW file

    a) RAW file

    d) TIFF file

    a) RAW file


    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    d) star

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar

    c) radar


    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright

    a) copyright


    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens

    d) a digital camera has no shutter, aperture and lens


    d) to use the keys CTL+ALT+DEL

    d) to use the keys CTL+ALT+DEL

    d) to use the keys CTL+ALT+DEL

    c) to email and re-open it

    d) to use the keys CTL+ALT+DEL

    c) to email and re-open it

    c) to email and re-open it

    a) to switch your computer on and off

    c) to email and re-open it

    c) to email and re-open it

    a) to switch your computer on and off

    c) to email and re-open it

    d) to use the keys CTL+ALT+DEL

    d) to use the keys CTL+ALT+DEL

    d) to use the keys CTL+ALT+DEL


    d) your e-mail address

    d) your e-mail address

    d) your e-mail address

    d) your e-mail address

    d) your e-mail address

    d) your e-mail address

    b) your laptop

    b) your laptop

    b) your laptop

    b) your laptop

    b) your laptop

    b) your laptop

    d) your e-mail address

    d) your e-mail address

    d) your e-mail address


    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    b) to see how much MB’s you've used

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    b) to see how much MB’s you've used

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal

    a) to convert an analogue signal into a digital signal


    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    b) each time the number is a doubling of the previous one

    d) the next number is 24

    d) the next number is 24

    d) the next number is 24


    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it

    b) something which can be purchased to work with it


    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    c. to scroll page by page

    a) to go to every 10th page to see if you've found it

    c. to scroll page by page

    a) to go to every 10th page to see if you've found it

    a) to go to every 10th page to see if you've found it

    a) to go to every 10th page to see if you've found it


    b) Google

    b) Google

    b) Google

    b) Google

    c) Legacy

    b) Google

    c) Legacy

    b) Google

    c) Legacy

    b) Google

    c) Legacy

    b) Google

    b) Google

    b) Google

    b) Google


    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    d) with a backup, you can leave your computer switched on

    c) to share files with friends

    b) because it is easier to offer files for sale

    c) to share files with friends


    d) the next person who will log in can use data

    d) the next person who will log in can use data

    d) the next person who will log in can use data

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering

    d) the next person who will log in can use data

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering

    d) the next person who will log in can use data

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering

    d) the next person who will log in can use data

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering

    b) you can pay more automated when ordering


    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse

    b) when it contains a trojan horse


    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security

    c) security


    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive

    d) a hard disk drive


    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    c) components are used with a layer of plastic

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    d) they use little power

    c) components are used with a layer of plastic

    d) they use little power


    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    d. the Wi-Fi system uses 8G

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    b) Bluetooth will be used by the wired system

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet

    c) the Wi-Fi system will use Ethernet


    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    c) is a value in the decimal system

    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    a) takes a value

    c) is a value in the decimal system

    c) is a value in the decimal system

    c) is a value in the decimal system


    2) 10100

    2) 10100

    2) 10100

    2) 10100

    2) 10100

    2) 10100

    4) 11011

    2) 10100

    4) 11011

    2) 10100

    2) 10100

    2) 10100

    1) 10001

    2) 10100

    2) 10100


    c) 010

    c) 010

    c) 010

    b) 002

    b) 002

    b) 002

    c) 010

    c) 010

    c) 010

    b) 002

    b) 002

    b) 002

    c) 010

    b) 002

    c) 010


    3) 101⁄2

    2) 200.5

    2) 200.5

    2) 200.5

    2) 200.5

    2) 200.5

    2) 200.5

    2) 200.5

    2) 200.5

    3) 101⁄2

    3) 101⁄2

    3) 101⁄2

    3) 101⁄2

    2) 200.5

    2) 200.5


    d) the process

    d) the process

    d) the process

    d) the process

    d) the process

    d) the process

    d) the process

    d) the process

    d) the process

    b) on to the next step

    b) on to the next step

    b) on to the next step

    d) the process

    b) on to the next step

    b) on to the next step


    b) an action

    b) an action

    b) an action

    b) an action

    b) an action

    b) an action

    b) an action

    b) an action

    b) an action

    b) an action

    d) a comment

    b) an action

    b) an action

    d) a comment

    b) an action


    a) an announcement

    d) a reference

    d) a reference

    a) an announcement

    d) a reference

    d) a reference

    a) an announcement

    d) a reference

    a) an announcement

    d) a reference

    a) an announcement

    d) a reference

    a) an announcement

    d) a reference

    d) a reference


    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream

    b) a data stream


    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command

    b) a command


    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop

    c) a loop


    b) 11011100

    b) 11011100

    b) 11011100

    b) 11011100

    b) 11011100

    b) 11011100

    b) 11011100

    b) 11011100

    b) 11011100

    c) 00011100

    d) 11101111

    c) 00011100

    b) 11011100

    c) 00011100

    b) 11011100


    c) add it in airdrop

    c) add it in airdrop

    c) add it in airdrop

    c) add it in airdrop

    d) put the link on LinkedIn

    c) add it in airdrop

    a) think of it when you turn on your computer

    c) add it in airdrop

    a) think of it when you turn on your computer

    c) add it in airdrop

    a) think of it when you turn on your computer

    c) add it in airdrop

    a) think of it when you turn on your computer

    c) add it in airdrop

    c) add it in airdrop


    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter

    b) shift

    c) shift and a letter

    c) shift and a letter


    c) to count back to zero

    d) to calculate a plurality

    c) to count back to zero

    c) to count back to zero

    d) to calculate a plurality

    c) to count back to zero

    c) to count back to zero

    d) to calculate a plurality

    c) to count back to zero

    c) to count back to zero

    d) to calculate a plurality

    c) to count back to zero

    c) to count back to zero

    c) to count back to zero

    c) to count back to zero